Monday, March 23, 2009

The Hiking Trip

I got my new camera...a Canon Rebel XSI. For its inaugural use, I took the kids to a park for the afternoon. This particular park has a small "mountain" (sort of a stretch) and so we decided to take a hike. It was pretty fun, Victoria is definetely the more adept climber of the two.

She's braver, too. She wanted to climb to the top of the highest rocks...

Justice held his own, though.

On the way down the hill, we went a different route. This one was through a field of wild flowers. I totally had a "Little House on the Prairie" moment. It was a fun day and a great first time out with the camera.


  1. Seriously, Victoria is brave. You wouldn't catch me climbing those rocks! Great pictures!

  2. the new camera seems to have picked up the cuteness of your kiddos perfectly...but what camera wouldn't. :)

  3. LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE The Little House on the Prairie moment! Did his pants fall down like Carrie's did in the opening of the show??

  4. What they all said!! Great photos! They are looking so grown. That angry eyes face on Victoria while bowling cracked me up!
