Monday, January 5, 2009

The BELATED Christmas Pictures, 2008

We had a fabulous favorite part was clearly the looks on my kids faces as they received their most favorite gifts. However, there were other highlights. For example, a song and dance number by Avianna and Victoria featuring music a-la "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," with at least 11 additional versus of lyrics by the girls...

Followed by a comedic puppet show with hostess Victoria telling hilarious jokes such as, "Knock-knock," "Who's there?" "Justin." "Justin who?" "Just in time for dinner!!!" Literally HOURS worth of entertainment. And truthfully, an annual tradition that I know I will long desperately for when these girls are too cool or just too busy to think it all up in the years to come (sniff).

Justice liked his presents fine. For him, though, the truly best part of Christmas was the extended time with his "famous" (aka 'favorite') cousin Aubrie, age 5. He is enthralled with her.

My children are pretty spoiled at Christmas time. They made me proud this year though, bubbling over with appreciation (especially Victoria), eager to see the gifts they picked out for others opened and enjoyed (especially Victoria), and really valuing time with family above all (especially Victoria...okay, so I was really proud of Victoria). It was a fantastic holiday and as I have said time and time again, I am so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I saw this and thought "Aw Jenna, your girl is growing up so fast."

    (but I am usually too lazy to come out of Reader to leave a comment, but I had to for the money story cause it clacks me up!)
