Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Make-up Disneyland Trip

Justice has been begging to go to Disneyland for a couple of months. I don't even know why he was thinking about it...he hadn't been since he was just a little younger than two. So I told Victoria that I was going to take them somewhere (in Justice's words) "Vehwy Speshel." However, when Neil got so sick, we postponed. I decided to take Friday off and give us all a day of fun. Off we went, Justice, Victoria, and I headed to the Magic Kingdom!

The weather was fantastic, and the day got off to a really great start.

A couple hours in, though, you could tell Justice just wasn't himself. He seemed to be having fun, but he was really calm and fell asleep early.

He woke up CRANKY, and started running a little bit of a fever. After that, he didn't enjoy his special Disneyland trip much.

It was still a fun day, though. Victoria had a great time. Justice's illness didn't stop her!

Don't worry, Baby Boy. We'll go again, soon!


  1. Seriously, that cranky picture is wonderful. Rubie has that same face.

  2. Aw! No way! Talk about uncool timing! Poor guy

