Monday, February 2, 2009

The Superhero and the Head Injury

Justice is all about "Super Why." Super Why is a PBS superhero whose special power is the ability to read. My baby boy, who had no interest in letters when I worked with him last year, learned all of them in about three episodes of Super Why. He is truly obsessed. For Halloween I had to resort to EBay and thus paid a pretty penny for this relatively flimsy costume. I have certainly gotten my money's worth, though. Justice would wear it every single day if allowed. Instead, it has become a regular in our jammie rotation.

The fact that my son idolizes a character who reads leads to me a silly conversation we had yesterday as I read an online article about Barack Obama and Justice ate his snack of fishy crackers and a banana, at his table behind me. It went a little something like this:

Justice: Whatcha doin, Mama?
Me: I am reading.
Justice: But you don't have a book.
Me: You can read the words on the computer, too, buddy.
Justice: No I can't.
Justice: Mama, I don't know how to read (and his facial expression added "DUH").

Technically, he is right.

Unfortunately for Justice, Super Why's power is not the power to fly, be invinceable, or heal quickly. So, when he falls for no reason from the couch, onto the train table, and finally onto the tile floor, in his typically coordinated way, his mortal self can be terribly injured. Check out the head.


  1. Whoa! That is a BUMP!

  2. Dude!! Who did that to his head? Have you been screening your sitters?? ;-)

  3. I heart your son. He is so flipp'in smart!

  4. Justice is smarter than you know! You need a new babysitting company!

  5. I thought I was the only one who had fishy crackers at my house...hmmm!
